Change font, as well as blending mode of text (text on my photo is set to an overlay blending mode). Explore: Search within the app to see others’ creations, as well as take part in contests.Embellishments: Lots of extra embellishment options, like stickers, shapes, callouts, etc.If your inner scrapbooker is feeling limited by the digital world, this is the app for you. There are lots of editing options for the scrapbooker inside of you in fact, there are too many options to list them all. PicsArt is an app for creating collages and so much more. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. There are pop-up ads when you finish a collage.When you use the fancy magazine layouts, those do save with a Moldiv watermark.The app adds a hashtag when you post, but you can delete it. Text: Add text to your photos, with lots of good font options.Cut-outs: Cut out part of your picture in the shape you want.Stamps and stickers: Lots of cutesy extra stamps and stickers.It’s easy to use, and when you’re selecting photos for your grid it makes it very clear where in the grid your picture is going to show up so you don’t have to guess.

Moldiv has lots of different templates for interesting grids (beyond the standard), but many of them are by purchase only. This app is optimized for iPhone 5, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus.